The riders of the Underbone 150cc race category were in full form this afternoon with the mission to conclude the final race victoriously at Chang International Circuit. However, the win was not for all but only for one who was able to prove his worth. This time around, it was Md Hafiza Rofa of ONEXOX TKKR RACING TEAM.

With more than twenty riders cramping up the racing line, it was tough to judge who will make the cut. Race 1 was nevertheless mind-blowing when Shafiq who was out of sight worked his way into the winning spot with tight margins. While Haziq and Wawan was seen more often throughout the laps among the top 5 riders, Shafiq was strategizing to strike. That worked when he barged ahead of Haziq with Wawan right behind.

As soon as the race flagged off, the troop gathered in a tight line with Wawan Wello taking lead at turn 1 before Hafiza and Fazli Sham went ahead. By the end of lap 1, Izzat Zaidi came into action with Wahyu close behind. By the end of lap 3, Pilipino lad, Gian Carlo took charge but was quickly superseded by Malaysian, Haziq Fairues.

Between slip-streaming and the ability to strike at the right time, the riders were in endless exchange of positions. The Underbone race category can be quite a trick but maintaining consistency among the frontliners is essential to avoid losing the momentum. With one more lap to go, the battle was heated up. At the eighth turn, Wawan was ahead with Hafiza following close behind. At the last turn, Izzat sled in between Hafiza and Wawan and made it second while Hafiza who overtook before the final turn made it first at 16’31:171s.

Commenting on the race, Hafiza said, “It was a tough fight today. The riders were vigorous but I tried to push in the last two laps to catch up with the middle group before I went for the win. My team and crew members have prepared a fantastic machine and I thank them for it.”

Md Izzat Zaidi of CARDINALS FACTORY RACING TEAM ARRC clocked in at 16’31:275s.

Wawan Wello of PITSBIKE JRT TECH 2 ONEWAY RACING TEAM made third at 16’31:418s.

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