Captivating yet nerve-wrecking, the Asia Superbike 1000cc has always been one of the favourites among the ardent fans of high-powered machines. Round 4 of the Idemitsu FIM Asia Road Racing Championship began with the free practice sessions as riders geared up for another exciting feat at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit this morning and Markus Reiterberger of ONEXOX BMW TKKR Team emerged fastest for the day.

Earlier this morning during FP1, Markus of ONEXOX BMW TKKR Team was all out to seize the moment and made it fastest at 1’36:108s. At the second fastest was teammates, Indonesian rider, Andi Farid Izdihar and Malaysian, Zaqhwan Zaidi of Honda Asia-Dream Racing with SHOWA at 1’36:676s and 1’38:111s respectively. In FP2, Markus once again hit it at the top at 1’35:907s. Andi Farid marked second fastest at 1’36:606s followed by Azlan Shah Kamaruzaman of ONEXOX BMW TKKR Team at 1’36:703s. In FP3, once again, Markus flexed his muscles as he went on to score the best lap time at 1’35:204s. Zaqhwan came in second fastest at 1’36:555 followed by Haruki Noguchi of SDG MS Harc- Pro.Honda.Ph.

For three consecutive rounds, Markus has showcased excellence in his showmanship. While Mandalika may be new, his experiences are amplified as he went on to secure the fastest lap time in all three practice sessions today making him the fastest for the day with his best lap time at 1’35:204s.

Commenting on the session, Markus said, “I have never been here before so I tried really hard from the very first lap. The circuit is wide and flat so there were lots of space. I really enjoyed as we improved session by session. Suspension and electronics wise, we are already in a good shape and I still can improve on some parts. Nevertheless, for first day, this is quite satisfactory for me. I had some issues with the rear tires and had to stop to find a solution and hopefully it will be good for tomorrow’s race. For my side, I am comfortable and confident with the machine except for the rear tires. I am ready. But I have to bear in mind that there are really good riders in the race category especially Andi and Zaqhwan. Haruki may have not been showcasing much in the beginning but I believe he will come out strong during the race. Not forgetting Azlan for sure. So, let’s see how it goes.”

At the second fastest was Zaqhwan Zaidi with his best at 1’36:555s followed by teammate Andi Farid at 1’36:606s.

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