Media Center


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Media Accreditation

 The Championship recognises the value of the media for reporting on the Championship, provided that such coverage respects both the intellectual property rights. Applicants for media accreditation are invited to carefully read these guidelines before submitting their application.


All accredited parties and their journalists, photographers and editors are required to adhere to these guidelines.


The applicant must respect others’ intellectual property rights of The Championship and third parties. This shall include the strict prohibition on the taking of any moving picture images, sound recordings, use of trade marks, title or logos or the transmission of certain kinds of results.


The Championship reserves the right to accept or refuse any accreditation request.

Publication & Agencies

Editors of publications and agencies are asked to conform to the following principles to ensure that media accreditation is restricted to professional journalists and photographers.


The Championship considers the press pass to be a working tool to be used only by bona-fide members of the press. Publishers, marketing personnel, sub-editors, staff of the publication’s secretariat, etc. cannot be accredited as media.


The Championship only accredits publications and agencies:

a) with a minimum circulation whose size and quality;

b) with a format and quality;

c) which are available to the public in sales outlets (for publications only).


Internal magazines of companies, trade magazines and newsletters cannot be accredited as  media.


However, at the sole discretion of The Championship, and where the quality and circulation criteria justify their consideration, such magazines may be eligible for accreditation on a case-by-case basis. 

Website & Online Media

Online Media Accreditation is intended for professional stand-alone Internet editorial/news coverage only.  It is not to be used for any other purposes, including but not limited to public relations, promotional, commercial or entertainment use.


Because of space constraints at circuits, the number of websites that can be accredited is limited and availability may depend on the location.  An application may be refused even where all the Accreditation Criteria are met, in particular on the grounds of capacity.


A maximum of two representative journalist per website per event may be accredited.  Websites associated with a print or broadcast media organisation that has already applied for, and been granted, any other form of media accreditation will not qualify for Online Media Accreditation.


The applicant must be a professionally run website dedicated to reporting on the Championship and its events or a professionally run general news or sports website with a dedicated Championship section. In each case all and any coverage of the Championship must be free of charge to the public.


Media Accreditation is now CLOSED.

Media Accreditation is now OPEN.

Click here to apply »